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My Dogo Canario girls...

Awesome pictures "Dogodame" ;) Would you mind telling me what CCF is? I'm a noob sorry. Wow no protection training, amazing dog.
Replies (8)
    • We attended a training event/working workshop given by a local presa training group (Harijan Kennels) in Maryland last weekend. Just thought I'd share some photos of my Dogo Canario girls, who have added a new title (Deterrent Dog) to each of their names... My baby, Dame Vaako del Hooligans, CCF I, DD- age 4 yrs Waiting for the start of the test... Friendly Stranger.. and the threatening stranger.. Her mother...Bojinka de Cabeza Grande, CCF II, DD, PH (aka Jihad)....age 7 yrs
      • Thought I'd post some pics I had of Vaako passing her CCF I at the American Monographica 2010, in June. Her Father is Spanish Ch. Uro. please note, she has had NO protection or bite training, only obedience... And the day before, with my nephew..
        • Awesome pictures "Dogodame" ;) Would you mind telling me what CCF is? I'm a noob sorry. Wow no protection training, amazing dog.
          • Love the shots- Very nice.
            • Carla, great shots. That dog has natural ability. Good luck with her. Richard
              • Sorry, my bad. CCF is a 3 level temperment test created by the Working Dogo Canario Aliance...www.wdcaonline.com Thanks for the compliments. WE decided to just leave the younger one along, and let her mature and see what happened...seemed it worked out for us this time!
                • Amazing Presas!
                  • Nice work, nice Presas. hugo
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