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My name is Idi Amin but you can call me Amin'

Nice bone on your boy OBI. Hope the white spot goes away- they typically do. Are you gonna crop him?
Replies (30)
    • Amin at 4 weeks... at 8 weeks.... at 11 weeks on arrival in lagos... you'll be seeing more of me as I grow.... :) :)
      • Nice bone on your boy OBI. Hope the white spot goes away- they typically do. Are you gonna crop him?
        • Thanks Nikki for the compliments, I saw the spot before I bought him but couldnt resist him. My first mastini had a spot but it disappeared. How are the pups doing?
          • pretty sick name after a really sick human! Beautiful dog though
            • Hey ronsetoe thanks for the compliment and sorry you find the name Idi Amin sickening but I guess you'll never understand the story behind it :roll: :roll: :roll:
              • Hey OBI1! Cute puppy! :wink:
                  • Hey Chach where have u been? He's no cutey that one more of a dictator :D He is a holy terror :lol: Nikki I wish I could crop him but cant find anyone here who can :( I wish I could.
                    • one day I'll be as big and as mean as that man and maybe as black :wink:
                      • as mean :?
                        • It's like naming your dog Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin... :?
                          • its just a name people. Personally, the coolest name of a dog ive come across was by some russians i knew who had a huge black dog named GULAG. Gulag, as you know, is 1 of the roughest prisons in the world, if not the roughest.... you just gotta look past it. Mike
                            • [quote=buldog]its just a name people. Personally, the coolest name of a dog ive come across was by some russians i knew who had a huge black dog named GULAG. Gulag, as you know, is 1 of the roughest prisons in the world, if not the roughest.... you just gotta look past it. Mike[/quote] Hey Mike my third and most loyal dog to date was a brindle Boerboel male whom I named Hussein after Saddam Hussein :wink: I was single then and lived in a tiny flat with my younger sister. When anyone asked his name and I answered Hussein they were often amused. Names like Hitler, Khan, Pharoah, Ceasare, Abacha are common names given to male dogs here by proud owners. Thanks for seeing the sunny side of it all. :)
                              • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
                                • I would say that says that there are a lot of ignorant people naming their pet's in Turkey if that is the case. What if I named my new black pet Ni$$er here in the USA? It is still a horrible name the same as "sadam" BOL
                                  • [quote=ronsetoe]I would say that says that there are a lot of ignorant people naming their pet's in Turkey if that is the case. What if I named my new black pet Ni$$er here in the USA? It is still a horrible name the same as "sadam" BOL[/quote] It really sickens me how stupid some people tend to be. Ronsetoe can you please explain what your point is...You sit down there and determine or rather allocate ignorance to certain geographical areas, just because they obviously have a better sense of humor than you can ever have. On the statement about naming your black Pet, I think it shows the kind of person you are and how your sick mind works! BTW next time be brave about it and spell the word right rather than substitute letters with the dollar sign.
                                    • My guess is that it would be "*" out if I typed put the real word, as it is not very forum friendly word on any site. It seems just as about as offensive of a name though?? If you support Saddam, Bin Laden, or Amin's ideas then good for you and you have that sick twisted right. I might name my next pet rat "kike" as it has a long nose. JJ! I have respect for other humans and I would not name my pet after a slang name for some ethnic group or name it after a person whom murdered thousands of humans-but you have that right! Good for you! Do you shout your dogs name around a group of Pakistanis, Asians, or around the Obote tribe? Look if you, or any one else, wants to name your dog after a murdering, genocide, racist, whacko then BOL of luck to you and your beliefs. Great looking dog but a sick name-JMHO Do you have updated pictures
                                      • I'll start by telling you the reason why I named my boy Idi Amin. He is black and big and is a dictator around the yard(always trying to have his way with even the older dogs and barks at all of them when he doesn't) He also doesn't like strangers and throws a barking fit when one comes his way. Over here we do not honor dictators and murderers, we hate them with a passion, they've killed alot of our brothers and sisters. Its a practice to name our pets after them here as an act of disrespect. You do not find people naming their sons or daughters after such villains nor do we honor them by naming streets or other stuff after them. Naming pets or animals after them is our way of disrespecting them. I shout my dogs name anytime I take them out and I assure you no one gets offended. I'll be posting new pics of him very soon.
                                        • It is a spectacular looking dog and I am looking forward to seeing the new pics of him! I bet he is getting close to 60lbs by now!
                                          • [quote=OBI1]I'll start by telling you the reason why I named my boy Idi Amin. He is black and big and is a dictator around the yard(always trying to have his way with even the older dogs and barks at all of them when he doesn't) He also doesn't like strangers and throws a barking fit when one comes his way. Over here we do not honor dictators and murderers, we hate them with a passion, they've killed alot of our brothers and sisters. Its a practice to name our pets after them here as an act of disrespect. You do not find people naming their sons or daughters after such villains nor do we honor them by naming streets or other stuff after them. Naming pets or animals after them is our way of disrespecting them. I shout my dogs name anytime I take them out and I assure you no one gets offended. I'll be posting new pics of him very soon.[/quote] OB: Of course you didn't have to justify your dog's name, but having done so I think it is quite the justification! I think Idi looks great and the name seems to suit him quite well. Well done! ALV
                                            • [quote=OBI1"][quote="ronsetoe]I would say that says that there are a lot of ignorant people naming their pet's in Turkey if that is the case. What if I named my new black pet Ni$$er here in the USA? It is still a horrible name the same as "sadam" BOL[/quote] It really sickens me how stupid some people tend to be. Ronsetoe can you please explain what your point is...You sit down there and determine or rather allocate ignorance to certain geographical areas, just because they obviously have a better sense of humor than you can ever have. On the statement about naming your black Pet, I think it shows the kind of person you are and how your sick mind works! BTW next time be brave about it and spell the word right rather than substitute letters with the dollar sign.[/quote] That's funny since these guys we mention here are the true soul of ignorance and racism etc etc.
                                              • In the end, it's just a name. I've encountered many dogs with names like Adolf, Benito, Saddam, Stalin, Mengele, Hitler, Himmler, Mao, Bayazit and so on around the world and not one of them had been named so in order to honour the historical figures which inspired their names, but as a way of insulting those same figures by naming a dog after them.
                                                • You couldn't have said it better Wolf. Thanks ALV & Rosentoe for the compliments. Halfsam I don't understand what you are saying half the time :?: Rosentoe He is close to 60lbs now, haven't weighed him in week though.
                                                  • We need pictures! Has the spot started to fade a little? How does one post pics on this site? I am having trouble because I cant paste from photobucket? OB get some updated pics!
                                                    • I think its a great name and apt for the dog's looks and temperament! Don't let sissies get on your nerves, sissies are always looking to be offended or tell someone they are ignorant for their humor. You wan't some French-cries with your Waah-Burger sissies???!!!
                                                      • BUTTT you can see how a name can offend---never mind with your post/reply you just confirmed that!! OB, JJ=Just joking in case you were not up on the net /text lingo
                                                        • [quote=ronsetoe]BUTTT you can see how a name can offend---never mind with your post/reply you just confirmed that!! OB, JJ=Just joking in case you were not up on the net /text lingo[/quote] I know exactly what JJ means, I just think you are taking this too far, we were talking names not religions. Its not a good example period!
                                                          • [quote=ronsetoe]Brilliant statement???????????????????? I think we have already resolved as to why they name their dogs after POS people, it is too mock and make fun of the POS people they named them after. I will name my next bird cage bottom liner the "koran" JJ Now you can see why a name can be offensive to some people. I will name my next pet cock roach Saddam though-as an honor[/quote] Cut the crap.
                                                            • [quote=Wolf"][quote="ronsetoe]Brilliant statement???????????????????? I think we have already resolved as to why they name their dogs after POS people, it is too mock and make fun of the POS people they named them after. I will name my next bird cage bottom liner the "koran" JJ Now you can see why a name can be offensive to some people. I will name my next pet cock roach Saddam though-as an honor[/quote] Cut the crap.[/quote] Yes, please.
                                                              • Obi, Nice name and nice pup. Congrats!
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