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My new Pup.

The colour of the coat is just fine, it's not that uncommon. The pigment of this cute pup, however, is something else.
Replies (35)
    • My Pup Rocco @ 7 weeks old 14.7Lbs
      • [color=darkred]OMG! He is so arorable. He has a very interestig color! I have never seen this color in the Cane Corso? The best of luck with him...[/color]
        • Thanks, my Grandfather kept telling me about his dogs in Sicily, and his favorite was a "Ghost" since hes no longer with us I had to keep looking until I found this one...( I was looking for a light blue/gray) but then I saw this pup he really stood out from his black, Blue and dk fawn with dk mask brothers..heres a cut and paste Coat’s colour Another element characterizing a dog’s tegument is the coat’s[1] colour. Is well known that in some animals the colour is extremely important for the survivor or the predation because allow them to camouflage in the surroundings. For the Cane Corso, not existing these kind of motivations[2], the coat’s colour – beyond some belief [3] – has always been a secondary aspect except for the fact that for some tasks were employed subjects that, under the same conditions of “work capacity and efficacy”, had a colour that would have “mimetically” favor them in the task [4]. So, for example, in the badger’s hunts – that were usually conducted during the night – were used “grey fawn (formentino)” coloured dogs to recognize them easily in the dark of the night, while for the watch-dogs were favored (always under the same conditions of aptitude) those with a dark coat because they could be better camouflaged in the darkness. The coat’s colour in a Cane Corso change depending on the different genetic blood lines; monochromatic coats comprend the black coat [5], fawn coat (in the different tonalities: dark, stag red and light), grey coat (in the different tonalities: slate, light and lead), brown coat and the grey fawn coat that, sometimes, could be so light to appear nearly white. [color=red]Among the most traditional and ancient coats we have the “ashen” coat (consisting in a mix of white and black hair), honey-coloured coat (consisting in a prevalence of fawn hair with some white or yellow hair which chromatic aspect remind the honey one)[/color] and a kind of coat made by two or three components consisting in a monochromatic found, interrupted by more or less visible streaks, large and delicate, called, according their characteristic direction and disposition, “brindled, straked or winding (serpature)”[6]. Link http://www.corsoluv.com/Cane_Corso_Infomation_CANE_CORSO_COAT_COLORS.html
          • The colour of the coat is just fine, it's not that uncommon. The pigment of this cute pup, however, is something else.
            • [quote=Wolf]The pigment of this cute pup, however, is something else.[/quote] Sorry, it is of course the pigment I mean - now I also think about what exactly makes this pup look different from the other Cane Corsos I have seen .. :wink: Thanks Nick for the coat color information!
              • :D aww hez sooo preciouz :D good luck with him :D
                • Give him a pat for me, – don’t forget now :wink: - Denno
                  • such a looker! I love his color.
                    • I live in new york, what breeder did you get him from?
                      • A private breeder/owner in PA He owns both parents. AFAIK he only had a Black female left, if interested I'll call him and find out.
                        • Very Nice looking puppy-pls keep the pic's coming as he grows :lol:
                          • [quote=Wolf]The colour of the coat is just fine, it's not that uncommon. The pigment of this cute pup, however, is something else.[/quote] not correct. light red is not an allowed cane corso color, and the mask is missing according to the FCI standart, for the Italien cane corso. But he is a very adorable puppy :D
                            • [quote=corso_pride]not correct. light red is not an allowed cane corso color, and the mask is missing according to the FCI standart, for the Italien cane corso.[/quote] We were not talking about what was "allowed" or not, but what was common in the breed.. :wink: Whether this is light red or brown I am not really able to tell, however I have never seen this pigmentation before on Cane Corso dogs.
                              • I must take terriable photos..he is not light red but he is considered a formentino, which is a very lightfawn and light gray blend..with a gray mask (which is rare BUT accepted by FCI -ICCF-and AKC) QUOTE: Color Acceptable colors are black, lighter and darker shades of gray, lighter and darker shades of fawn, and red. Brindling is allowed on all of these colors. Solid fawn and red, including lighter and darker shades have a black or gray mask; it does not go beyond the eyes. There may be a white patch on the chest, throat, chin, backs of the pasterns, and on the toes. [color=red]Disqualification: Any color with marking pattern as seen in black and tan breeds. [/color] I did not buy him for show, but he is dual papered with a 5 generation pedigree on both sides..GreatG/parents are FCI from Italy in 1989 And as you can see from my hightlight red is a approved color!!
                                • Congrats to you, Nick! Very cute puppy. :D Can't wait to see it when it gets older. :D
                                  • He looks like a DDB X Lab mix. Still he is very cute.
                                    • faumentino is creamcolor on the body, and blue mask and ears. look here - http://www.123hjemmeside.dk/del-angelo-canecorso/5837731?i=19075607
                                      • Heres my Boy at 4months 10 days ..52.6 Lbs ..What I find different is that his mask looks different with different light..its a Blue. He also has a touch on his ears and a slight bit on his back...But it can look gray, and at night it almost looks black..will try and show that. Real good with other dogs..going to puppy agility and no BS he is the star ( My son takes him, and he worships my son) Great with all people Except 6-11 year old boys, will play with them but not like he does with same age group gals or older people.
                                        • He is a formentino (blue fawn.) His mask is blue and it will darken as he ages. For the record Formentino is my aboslute fave in the Cane Corso. It is a color in person. He probably has either Degli Olmi, Degli Emli or Parco Del Po bloodlines in him. Perhaps Morgan? Is he realted to Jones or Boris? He is a nice pup, can't stand natural ears on this breed but that is a minor thing. Jones IMHO is IT when it comes to a almost perfect Cane Corso. http://www.apexcanecorso.com/jones.htm">
                                          • USCC CH old world Ciovan ,Valentines Marco..Duncan's Old world Panda, Sutero's Crena de Raccolto Irish Hills Pywacit.. are all in his bloodlines As I said before I bought him because his parents Looked and acted the way I want my dog to act parents are Nemisis sire..Gils Mystic gray Damn And yes I am starting to feel like I should have cropped him to darn late now. I fixed above link http://www.apexcanecorso.com/index.htm
                                            • He is great looking. Hope you are having fun with him and I must say formentino is one of the coolest looking colors for a Cane. MM.
                                              • Beautiful Pup Nick!!!!
                                                • Thanks I really like my boy, he's a real treat.
                                                  • Heres Rocco 5 days shy of six months old, Temperment is EXCELLENT..I had 14 family members come over for dinner on xmas eve , xmas and NY day..he was good with all. Here he is with my son going to puppy agility, filling out nicely. Xmas morning like hes Praying!!..Santa I was GOOD! Xmas with a toy
                                                    • Congrats you have a really nice dog, good luck with him, and have fun.
                                                      • wwwwwwwww
                                                        • nice pup, congrats. thats a pretty long muzzle for a CC though
                                                          • Nice boy. How long did that toy last?
                                                            • He's a great looking boy Nick! He looks really alert in the pics, like he doesn't miss a thing! Well, except when he's praying for new toys! :wink:
                                                              • CC pup will be 7 months on 02/26/09 Had him to the vet and got him all checked out.She did stool, urine and blood and xray. Got the answers back today and as I always thought Healthy as a can be :!: Per her Scale 86.1 Lbs and 26 1/2 at Shoulder...but forget that he has a temperment that is a 100% joy.The slightly out of focus shot was included so you could see his muscle mass 8-)
                                                                • I think he looks great with the uncropped ears, and I love his coloration! Good job with this guy! He seems to be right on the mark for his age.
                                                                  • He's beautiful Nick! I like his looks without the cropped ears too, gives him a softer appearance with more expression in his face, you can read him a little better seeing what those ears are up to! Plus, I'm just not one for cropped ears, the dogs just look scarey, lol, I know that's what they're supposed to look like, but it takes away from the rest of their beauty, IMHO! I think you've done a beautiful job with him!
                                                                    • He really is handsome. I too love the natural ears!
                                                                      • Thanks for the kind words I will keep posting photos of my boy as he grows.
                                                                        • Looking forward to them!
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