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neapolitan mastiffs of old lines?

I often have a bit of a laugh about opinons of various photos especially from those who have never owned a Neapolitan Mastiff. It is really important to know the age of a dog in the photo before comment can be made. A Neapolitan Mastiff is not physically mature untill 4 years - in fact some skull growth still occurs after that time. Often a dog will look like some peoples idea of an ideal "working Neo" at 9 momths and by three years be heavy and wrinkled. They are a little like some women - slim and beautiful when young - substantial when middle aged!!!!! Different lines of dogs mature at different rates and some are boosted artificialy - hothouse flowers. JMHO
Replies (11)
    • Hello everybody, I am looking for a Neapolitan Mastin line of work, here in Spain know what beauty is and not old lines. How Neapolitan mastiffs in Spain of old lines?
      • That is difficult to find. Most are breeding for extra mass, skin and lack of function. You may want to try a good bandog. However, look to Portugal for the possibility of a decent Neo
        • A good Mastino is where you find it !!! They ALL have something in the tank . Just depends on what you want & knowing where to look . Look to those breeders that actually TEST ( Health & Temp ) & ARE NOT AFRAID to lay it on the line.....Also remember Mastini should look like Mastini NOT SHAR-PEIs or Big Blue PITs .....Everything should be held in BALANCE.....Type , Health & Ability should be held EQUALLY :!: :!:
          • thanks for the answers, today most beautiful breed for show and it's hard to find some work
            • you mean a neo like this? ?
              • whether physically, is not very wrinkled, but a photo can not tell if you have character
                • Yea a photo cant tell its character but it sure can tell if a dog is or is not hendered by TOO much weight and wrinkles too perfrom. NOt saying that the "show" dogs cant but these type of neos just look like they're worth a lil more to me and its only my opinion!
                  • I often have a bit of a laugh about opinons of various photos especially from those who have never owned a Neapolitan Mastiff. It is really important to know the age of a dog in the photo before comment can be made. A Neapolitan Mastiff is not physically mature untill 4 years - in fact some skull growth still occurs after that time. Often a dog will look like some peoples idea of an ideal "working Neo" at 9 momths and by three years be heavy and wrinkled. They are a little like some women - slim and beautiful when young - substantial when middle aged!!!!! Different lines of dogs mature at different rates and some are boosted artificialy - hothouse flowers. JMHO
                    • Bright , the picture of that dog you posted is a cull .
                      • i dunno.. i don't know much about that dog.. it was put up for sale long time back.. if you ask me, i'd rather consider a massive neo with a lot of wrinkles that collapsed out of lethargy or incapacity in the show ring as a cull and consider the dog in a pic as a champion if he has the right character and health and fire! i have seen many such dogs performing well.. i had a neo myself! he was from highly reputed show lines.. i didn't find him to be an efficient worker.. at least not as they were described.. but still, he was a cool dog.. i have seen some muscular neos here.. they are extremely good and capable dogs!! they won't have too much of wrinkles and unwanted flesh (unwanted mass). but still, massive. i have even visited a few breeders and i have seen the dogs.. from what i have seen, dogs that were bred for mass and wrinkles and loose skin and etc, to put it in a nutshell, bred to win blue ribbons, were not working mastiffs at all.. they could barely trot.. and the way they welcomed me (me being a stranger to them) was not what i was expecting from a mastiff from guarding background. at the same time, i have seen some wonderful dogs too! the dog which could outrun an average human and dogs with fire and determination! i hope that such dogs would be preferred and bred and healthier dogs be produced..
                        • One place I would go and take a look at the Neo's they work and breed with is Steel Trap Kennels-It's another Forum, he's actually more into Bandogs...But he has a couple of fantastic Neo's....I'm hell bent in getting a great dog from there as well!
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