- · PurposeDriven
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Has anyone ever seen this cross before NEO to Presa Canario? I have found a couple posts online advertising puppies that were from last yr.
- · cawkazn
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I cannot recall exactly so I could be wrong but I remember seeing a dog on here that was a neo mix, i think it was with presa, the dog produced from the mix produced a dog everyone seemed to think was what looked like the old time "proper" neos rather then the over done ones you mainly see today.
the attachment is not the dog I am speaking of but i think it looked similar
- · Gary Admin
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That is how that particular cross would look. Not sure about what the temp would be as it depends on the parents disposition. -
- · mastini-mayhem
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I am not sure if it's just because Neo's are my breed of choice so I can easily pick out common faults and/or crosses but the picture shown above looks not like the cross. Other then it is a fine looking athletic pure bred Neo', which is one half of the mix. If you would like to see the cross please pm me, I will not put pictures up that I did not take. The temperament, health and "type" is all over the place depending on the parents and lines used. -
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This is not a neo mix, is a Cane da Presa Meridionale, the name of this dog is Ares.
- · cawkazn
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I cannot recall exactly so I could be wrong but I remember seeing a dog on here that was a neo mix, i think it was with presa, the dog produced from the mix produced a dog everyone seemed to think was what looked like the old time "proper" neos rather then the over done ones you mainly see today.
the attachment is not the dog I am speaking of but i think it looked similar
I wasnt implying that this dog was a neo mix, simply that the neo presa cross i had seen looked similar to this dog. It was a very nice looking dog from what I recall I wish someone had the pic or knows what I am talking about. I have also seen a few nice pics of fila x apbt that looked like great dogs as well.
where can you find "Cane da Presa Meridionale"? they are nice looking dogs
- · gsicard
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Wow - that is a very powerful looking dog. Seems like a serious working dog.
- · tinytiger
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Do presa canarios already have neo blood in them.?A guy i know bred 2 presas together and one pup from the litter came out like a pure neopolitain mastiff
- · Carlos1122
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The Neos and Presas have many large breeds in them they are both recreations and have been crossed with each other and most of the mastiff breeds the Neo also has bloodhound in them.
- · Ragdog
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According to Manuel Curto. The Neo was used with existing Presas during its revival. As well the Fila. On Gran Canario only.
- · Gary Admin
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I wonder if the Neo's propensity to breed back to their roots when cross-bred with any other breed have anything to do with them looking more like Neos after a few generations?
- · Gary Admin
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~A guy i know bred 2 presas together and one pup from the litter came out like a pure neopolitain mastiff
I bet what was a nice looking dog - probably looked like a very athletic Neo.