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Not Again People!!!

[quote="OBI1"] I think everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves and I'm begining to think that there are people who totally depend on this dogs or the politics and economics around it for their daily bread, if not why on earth will there be such bile and bitterness??? I wish you people would invest such energy in doing truly good things for the breed and not faffing around websites slagging each other. I think alot of us enthusiasts who are truly seeking to learn are sick and tired of these **cow droppings** SESSIONS!!! STOP IT YOU ALL :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:[/quote] As far as this having to do with $$ I would say you're way off base. JC did have a male yrs ago that sired a litter, but has not had a litter that know of since. And Nikki's last litter was over 15 months ago.
Replies (22)
    • Its really disgusting how the Neapolitan Mastiff Forum is the arena for most of the trashy fights if not all the fights on MD? I am really tired of all these fights by Neo people and believe me I know how some of them are planned and started. I think everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves and I'm begining to think that there are people who totally depend on this dogs or the politics and economics around it for their daily bread, if not why on earth will there be such bile and bitterness??? I wish you people would invest such energy in doing truly good things for the breed and not faffing around websites slagging each other. I think alot of us enthusiasts who are truly seeking to learn are sick and tired of these BULLSHIT SESSIONS!!! STOP IT YOU ALL :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
      • [quote="OBI1"] I think everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves and I'm begining to think that there are people who totally depend on this dogs or the politics and economics around it for their daily bread, if not why on earth will there be such bile and bitterness??? I wish you people would invest such energy in doing truly good things for the breed and not faffing around websites slagging each other. I think alot of us enthusiasts who are truly seeking to learn are sick and tired of these **cow droppings** SESSIONS!!! STOP IT YOU ALL :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:[/quote] As far as this having to do with $$ I would say you're way off base. JC did have a male yrs ago that sired a litter, but has not had a litter that know of since. And Nikki's last litter was over 15 months ago.
        • [/quote]As far as this having to do with $$ I would say you're way off base. JC did have a male yrs ago that sired a litter, but has not had a litter that know of since. And Nikki's last litter was over 15 months ago.[/quote] I don't know what to think anymore. It just frustrates me that people who have alot to offer in terms of knowledge of the breed and have the contacts and experience to assist others are just fighting each other, its a constant put off for a lot of people who would have otherwise learned or even contributed knowledge which is what these websites are meant for. They're quite some forums around but too much conflicts abound and it puts an unnecessary barrier before those it was meant to serve.
          • I have to agree that it is off putting when you really would like to reply but in the end think whats the point? I have been a member for a while now and have gained very few points due to the fact I feel it's easier to just keep quiet, maybe thats just better all round.
              • OBI I totally agree with you... I think its sad that most Neo' people have a hard time getting along. In my opinion its because of the passion that we put fourth and what we believe in or don't. This is why Gary and I started www.neoowners.com A place only to talk DOGS..Any thread that is not about them is deleted...Hehehe had my first deleted thread earlier in the week. I feel that if we as a group put our efforts into fixing the breed our dogs would be in alot better of a place.
                • Cry Me A River Obi, don't be so dramatic :? Many start new forums or sites on the basis that they will be more fare. But in time some one might start a new forum for the same reasons from that persons place. Have a nice day, jc
                  • [quote=NeapolitanWorld]Cry Me A River Obi, don't be so dramatic :? Many start new forums or sites on the basis that they will be more fare. But in time some one might start a new forum for the same reasons from that persons place. Have a nice day, jc[/quote] JC I'm not being dramatic!! I can't comprehend why there is so much beef in the Neapolitan Mastiff community. I wasn't just talking about the characters in this current exchange here on MD but the several on every site that has anything to do with the neos... I'm not singling out JC and Nikki, its much bigger than them. I'm just saying that no matter our differences we can agree and disagree more constructively. Didn't mean to offend anyone just had to air my views, sorry if I did!!!
                    • The beef is in all breeds! Just not our own. It is what it is!
                      • Don't read EM!!!!! If its get silly after the first sentence there where i stop :lol:
                        • [quote=OBI1] believe me I know how some of them are planned and started.[/quote] Then why not try and speak to these planners and starters and get it stopperded
                          • [quote=lynnicks]I think this is so true http://lowchensaustralia.com/health/7foundations.htm[/quote] This is a great link Lynn-thx for sharing :D
                            • Thanks Jessica Its a shame its so long and most probably wont read it. Too many people get wrapped up in 'self' and dont consider they can actually learn something from other breeders whether they like what they are doing or not. No one is the 'perfect' breeder but shutting out others opinions is no good for the breed. One pointer which you retrieve from a site could be the building block for you getting it right within your own programme. 7 good points and something to consider when dealing with people. Keeping an open mind goes a long way. Great site altogether Lynn
                              • I love this site, I have visited it countless times. But somehow I still ended up missing this page. Nydia
                                • Yes Nydia I refer to that site often when asked questions from people new to owning a dog and listed it on my pack for my pups. So much to read and really well put together. Lynn
                                  • [quote=mw9661].... I feel it's easier to just keep quiet, maybe thats just better all round.[/quote]Actually staying quiet can make your life very peaceful and drama free... what I really wish is that more of the Neo Owners would speak more openly about the breed without the drama. There is much knowledge outside the normal channels but it is usually discounted simple because it is outside the hormal channels. There is also a new website that aims to provide a drama and groupie free environment to discuss the breed and work towards solutions of problems encountered by owners. http://neoowners.com About MD - I have tremendous respect for the majority of our regular members who contribute by sharing their opinions even if they are met with diasagreement. I have always said it is the members who make this site and all the bs associated with it worthwhile.
                                    • [quote=maximus"][quote="mw9661].... I feel it's easier to just keep quiet, maybe thats just better all round.[/quote]Actually staying quiet can make your life very peaceful and drama free... what I really wish is that more of the Neo Owners would speak more openly about the breed without the drama. There is much knowledge outside the normal channels but it is usually discounted simple because it is outside the hormal channels. There is also a new website that aims to provide a drama and groupie free environment to discuss the breed and work towards solutions of problems encountered by owners. http://neoowners.com About MD - I have tremendous respect for the majority of our regular members who contribute by sharing their opinions even if they are met with diasagreement. I have always said it is the members who make this site and all the bs associated with it worthwhile.[/quote] This post is truly pathetic my friend, Stop pointing fingers, because the finger pointing can be done both ways. Open and positive debate usually starts, with most of the time a few MD members having to sling insults and mud, and now distorting dogs to make fun of the Neapolitan Mastiff. What's surprising that even that this pathetic type of behavior is also accepted in MD because the image is not hosted here, LMFAO! grow some morals man! There are too many self proclaimed experts on the breed, here and everywhere and they love to sling it, this is why I felt it was of up most importance to change to format of neapolitanworld.com to give visibility to true experts in the breed and dog world, not just some forum, blog garbage, the last thing this breed needs is yet another "drama" free community/forum! Respectfully, jc
                                      • JC, Cut the bs or deactivate your account and save me the trouble. I have had enough of it. Edited - Actually - there were no finger pointing in my post and I am not even sure why you posted as you did but I really don't care. Do me a favor and remove MD banner or reference to me from your site. I am done.
                                        • There is always two sides to chatrooms and forums. We should except that everyone will laugh and joke about different antics and looks of dogs and then read and comment on more serious threads. There is nothing wrong with either as it takes all types to make a website work. Just keeping it less personal and allowing for different views would be nice for new people to any breed to be not afraid to ask that question which might actually have its worth even to the more established owner.
                                          • [quote=lynnicks]There is always two sides to chatrooms and forums. We should except that everyone will laugh and joke about different antics and looks of dogs and then read and comment on more serious threads. There is nothing wrong with either as it takes all types to make a website work. Just keeping it less personal and allowing for different views would be nice for new people to any breed to be not afraid to ask that question which might actually have its worth even to the more established owner.[/quote] Very true I have to agree.
                                            • Obi There are other chat rooms and threads that are non dog related I'm a member of and the websites run a lot more smoothly without all the arguments. They have a selection button to "membermark" for those that you enjoy to read. Those that are membermarked their names are highlighted by your account when you log in. Therefore you can notice their comments and you can read their comments. They also have a "ignore" selection member. If you are not interested in reading their posts or messages for whatever reason they will not show up when your logged in. It makes for a more civil interaction among members. This leads to a more enjoyable experience when visiting their websites.
                                              • ABB I guess these innovations are worthy of consideration, sounds very civil to me, but will it totally eradicate the issues? I doubt it. Ps:Forgive me for referring to you as ABB, I don't know your name.
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