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Peta Information

That is sick and disgusting on all angles. They ARE a domestic terror organization. The really sad thing is that they get LAWS passed with million dollar lobbyists that restrict what YOU do. If you have some beef with the patriot act you should honestly be more distressed by what peta is actively doing and seeking to do.
Replies (17)
    • Peta's latest disgusting move is to place an ad in the August issue of Dog Fancy: "Just bought a brand-new purebred puppy? Welcome him or her into your home with a free gift bag! Call us today at 1-866-834-6061 to claim your bag and hear about our products" This 'free gift bag' was actually a body bag, because the new puppy you just purchased means one in a shelter will not be adopted. Dog Fancy has responded: To whom it may concern, This is our official reponse from our company, Thank you for contacting me about the fraudulent classified ad in the August issue of DOG FANCY. DOG FANCY does not knowingly accept advertising from PETA and does not agree with its extremist views. Unfortunately, PETA resorted to guerilla tactics by placing an ad in DOG FANCY under a pseudonym to deceive readers with a free gift bag offer, opting to use shock tactics to try to get its message heard. DOG FANCY promotes responsible dog ownership, including the responsible breeding and sale of purebred dogs. This is the first time in many, many years that PETA has succeeded in slipping past our screening measures, and we accept responsibility for the failure to catch this ad before going to press. We apologize to all who have been offended by PETA¢s offensive and misleading stunt, and will continue to refine the systems in place to prevent our readers and advertisers from being exposed to such distasteful hoaxes. We appreciate your business, and hope you will continue to work with us Joe Medina Senior Sales rep for Dog Fancy, Dog World, Dogs for Kids magazines ~Cindy
      • Peta is a global problem. YES they are a problem. Public image is everything to celebrities. People if you dont' make some small effort on your part, our rights will continue to dwindle. We are losing a inch here, and inch there. Take a look at the people YOU pay to see on the big screen, small screen, sports arena and even your music industry. I am pretty sad about some of these names, I enjoyed their 'talent'. STOP putting money in these peoples pockets. and ~Cindy
        • Tricia Helfer Vanessa Carlton Dita Von Tesse Dominic Monaghan Janssen Melissa Ferrick Carey Hart Kimora Lee Simmons Ron Jeremy Constance Marie David Boreanaz Emery Chan Marshall David Rolas Diego Luna Levi Leipheimer (cyclist) Alicia Silverstone Jenna Jameson Paul McCartney John Salley ( baseball legend :-( ) Holly Madison Pamela Anderson Jenna Jameson Leona Lewis Corey Feldman (and spouse) If you know any other 'worthy' names, let us know! ~Cindy *Edit to add names. ;-)
          • That is sick and disgusting on all angles. They ARE a domestic terror organization. The really sad thing is that they get LAWS passed with million dollar lobbyists that restrict what YOU do. If you have some beef with the patriot act you should honestly be more distressed by what peta is actively doing and seeking to do.
            • I like that they encourage hot women to strip down, but they fail to realize how much they hurt themselves by alienating less fanatical animal lovers. Most people won't give up their red meat, but would definitely support changes in how meat is "harvested" and animals are treated if they knew the facts... they won't get those facts if PETA remains so polarizing.
              • What boogles my mind is how the PETAphiles get money from PETOWNERS?!?!?!?!?
                • Thanks for the info, Cindy. *opts to say nothing else*
                  • Bill Maher :evil:
                    • http://deceiver.com/index.php?s=peta (how about three cheers for Jessica Simpson, my opinion of her went up a smidgen) ~Cindy
                      • Is it cruel to rope steers or to use shock devices in rodeos? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25725545/
                        • [quote=Estrela]Tricia Helfer Vanessa Carlton Dita Von Tesse Dominic Monaghan Janssen Melissa Ferrick Carey Hart Kimora Lee Simmons Ron Jeremy Constance Marie David Boreanaz Emery Chan Marshall David Rolas Diego Luna Levi Leipheimer (cyclist) Alicia Silverstone Jenna Jameson Paul McCartney John Salley ( baseball legend :-( ) Holly Madison Pamela Anderson Jenna Jameson Leona Lewis Corey Feldman (and spouse) Tracy Bingham If you know any other 'worthy' names, let us know! ~Cindy *Edit to add names. ;-)[/quote]
                          • PETA = BULLSHIIT If they were truly for the ethical treatment of ANIMALS, they would start crying over human suffering, as we are nothing but hairless primates. Watch the Penn and Teller episode of BULLSHIIT on HBO concerning PETA. SEE just what that no good trollop president of PETA does with the donation money. She was linked to an ARSONIST who had burned down laboratories and such that used animals for testing. Have we really gotten SO pussified that we are NOW looking to celebrities for what to do, how to think and who to vote for? CELEBRITIES do what ever it takes, say what ever is needed to keep them in the LIMELIGHT. DO you really think that Forrest Whitaker or idiot Alicia Silverstone give a goddamn about anything other than the almighty $$$$$?? If they did, thy would not live in the extraordinary houses they have, have 15 cars, keep 20 dogs(which goes AGAINST PETA"S wishes of all animals being free) etc... If they did care, they sell it all, live in 1 bedroom huvels, donate all their money from movies to charities for people of all races from all countries, and would STOP building schools for women in AFRICA, when our OWN poor and suffering and depraved need help EVERY BIT AS BADLY. Now, I am not in anyway saying it is a bad thing to help those less fortunate in other countries, but damnit, when you LIVE in a country and overlook your own countries poor and depraved because helping some one in a foreign country is the POPULAR or COSMO thing to do, you need to be stripped of your riches and have it spread to the masses equally. That mindset of helping those far away because it is better for your image or so you can just go, give money and not ACTUALLY deal with it is disgusting. AND, before anyone jumps my shiite asking who I have given money to or bought a meal to, here it is. There is a man in town, Betsie and Kris have seen him. He basically goes from corner to corner playing his guitar, in all weather looking for some spare money, or not even for that but just for some damn FOOD. Yesterday, on my way home from Menards, I seen him. I drove past him, went to BK, got myself a #2 meal, and thought WHAT THE HELL, Something good just happened to me, I will pass it on. I bought him a number 1 meal, got it king sized for him, parked my car and walked it over to him. I didn't drill him for his story as it is easy to see the shame in his eye for NEEDING to do this just to eat. I gave him the food, told him to keep up hope, and walked away. Ok... I am done now. LOL Mike
                            • [quote=4myneo]Bill Maher :evil:[/quote] Bill Maher is worthy of submission as a Pinhead at www.patriotsandpinheads.org I am gonna do it. Edited: [url=http://patriotsandpinheads.org/news.php?extend.14]I submitted him as a Pinhead[/url]
                              • Many of the people who donate to African charities are being ripped off anyway. I witnessed many different charities being shown the same clinic, school or workshop as the one they are funding and the following week another charity shown the exact same 3 buildings, not just once but often. Many charities are ripped off this way and the fat cats in Africa are living in luxury houses while the poor stay poor. I totally agree crnosrce1 look after your own before donating to places you havent seen or know where the funds are actually going. In Zimbabwe we paid 3% of our salary for Aids, 3% for drought relief and that was for 15 years and still people are dying and I never saw new dams being built anywhere. One popstar who realised this was Bob Geldof with Live Aid since that happened I didnt see a repeat performance from him after banging his head against a brick wall trying to help the starving. Celebs should stick to singing.
                                • I have a copy of Ingrid Newkirks will in case anyone wants to see it. Its not something 1 will ever forget. Brightest Blessings Scarlette
                                  • [quote=Scarlette]I have a copy of Ingrid Newkirks will in case anyone wants to see it. Its not something 1 will ever forget. Brightest Blessings Scarlette[/quote] It's on the internet. Different to say the least 8O I give money to a few animal charities, but PETA is not one of them. My dogsitter is an ex-zookeeper, and she's in on all the animal gossip out there. She told me a couple things about PETA. Apparently they euthanize dogs regularly. They did some filming of the seal hunt on the East coast one year, but they got there a week too early. Not wanting to wait around, they started clubbing seals themselves.
                                    • Hahahaha! Mac Danzig! I bet he only joined because he heard about some of PETA's public demonstrations - they have women protest nude.
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