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seeking breed info


I prefer a quiet dog who only barks when good dogs should bark (someone's at the gate, spots a predator, etc..)

 For the situation you described the CAO or CO would do fine. Our COs are in San Antonio, TX where it does get very hot also.  Some shade and a fan and they will be fine. Since your will be inside then the heat is not an issue.  While inside the CO will be somewhat docile and quiet unless it hears or senses something  out of place.  The growl or bark of a fully grown CO will rattle your windows.  That will thwart most smart crooks.  The stupid ones will and should get eaten.. so to speak. Oh, you will have hair in the house about twice a year - spring and fal.  And don't forget that they can get big, very big.

If you decide on a CO or CAO please chat with me before you buy.

and by the way - Our female CO pup arrives on Friday from Belgrade.



Replies (11)
    • Hello, I'm Robin from Arizona.  Sorry this is long.  We live rural but still have neighbors that we can see.  We have a nice yard (1.25 acres).  Fully fenced.  The neighborhood is nice, or so we thought, until we later learned they have problems out here with the druggies stealing stuff.  Apparently they'll steal anything not nailed down.  The police are pro guard dog & pro gun for citizens. In fact, after we had something stolen police told us to put up signs (no trespassing & dogs on duty).  According to the officers out here that's fair warning.  Beyond that if the person comes in... defend yourself.  They cautioned that police are spread thin out here & if everyone (law abiding citizens) had good dogs it would certainly help.  

      I'm not a babe in the woods where it comes to working dogs.  I've done it all my life on the farm & as an adult I spent years training professional dogs with jobs.  So I'm fully aware that all dogs need their training.  I generally work one of the herding breeds (Malinois, German Shepherd, Doberman).  I train in an old military style using obstacles to train obedience & generally train all mine to track.  My dogs have always been guardians.  I start them as pups.  The older dogs generally help me train the new ones but my old dogs died off on me & I'm left with a Giant Schnauzer who is mentally immature & 2 little dogs (these are tiny dogs who weigh 2.75 pounds & 4 pounds & are fully grown). We need a working dog that's capable of going to the mat if necessary.  I prefer for a bad guy to look at my dogs & wet his pants & run to church, confess his sins & be done with it.  If he looks & the sight of all those teeth don't do it, the dog better be ready to back up those teeth.  I take home security very seriously.

      I'm looking for suggestions from those who know the Moloser breeds best.  Having read a bit about us & our situation, do you have any breeds that sound like they'd fit the bill for our needs?

      I want a dry mouth dog.  Drool after drinking but not all over the house & me all the time, thanks.
      I need a dog who has the good judgement to be gentle with the little bossy dogs, chickens & such.  Little critters in my care are to be protected by big dogs... not stomped or eaten by them.  
      I need a dog who will have a job & likes to work with the handler & who can work as part of a team because I always have 2-3 working dogs (right now I feel a little naked with just my Giant).  And yeah I'm one of those sneaky handlers who won't hesitate to send my dogs around behind a bad guy while he's focused on me & 1 dog.
      I prefer a quiet dog who only barks when good dogs should bark (someone's at the gate, spots a predator, etc..)
      Where I live it can get 115-120 in the summer & stay there for weeks... so I'd prefer a short haired dog but will deal with a long haired breed if it's the right breed (she won't be living outside as a yard dog).

      The Boerbel has caught my attention.  But some information I read makes me think this sounds like the perfect breed... others make me think it wouldn't work.  One thing one site stated was that a female Boerbel needs a male dog companion & will not tolerate other females.  My understanding is that these started out as farm dogs & on our farm males & females work side by side & better get along because us farmers don't have time for a lot of nonsense.  

      I'm open to suggestions & will be researching stuff to death before I decide which direction to go.  My dogs tend to live long lives unless something weird happens so I take breed selection dead-serious.  After having read a lot on this website I figured you were the people in the know who could tell me if I'm (pardon the pun) barking up the wrong tree.  Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer.

      • hi,

        well all molossers are more dominant then most dogs so you might have some problems there, but there are some breeds that "like" working together. so i would suggest that you look up the kangal, they can take the heat and are very good protection dogs. there's also a kind of Central asian ovcharka with a shorter coat that can handle the heat, they'r called alabai. i would not look into the long haired breeds with that kind of heat altough they would do anything to protect you, it is just not comfortable for them.

        both these breeds are independant enough to work on their own.

        Hope this helps a bit 


        • First of all i had gsd for 20 years, did police training and i like them very much. Now i own a co because i want protection but dont have the time to train the dog for protection.

          Inar is great, doesnt drool, doesnt need training, doesnt bark a lot and is a doormat in the house. When needed , the switch turns and he is ready to kill. He is was okay with my old gsd, is okay with the  cat and chickens. He allows friends of my sonns in the house but they cant fight or raise their voice because Inar will pinn the one to the table to show he doesnt allow that kind of stuff. Great dog.

          CAO is more dogagressive.

          Kangal is for me too kind against strangers.

          the only thing with the co is , they are very diffrent and can be irritating when you are used to the obedience/training of a gsd. Take the time count to 10 and he  will do great.

          And he doesnt use you as owner to do his job, very independent and so very diffrent of a gsd. 

          • A CO is great but, can they handle that kind of heat ? 

            and a CAO can be socialzed pretty well, but about the kangal you are right.

            • My dog did great, even with 40 (104)  degrees in Hungarian.

              • The co would be the best choice. Advice is do as much research before getting one. 


                  I prefer a quiet dog who only barks when good dogs should bark (someone's at the gate, spots a predator, etc..)

                   For the situation you described the CAO or CO would do fine. Our COs are in San Antonio, TX where it does get very hot also.  Some shade and a fan and they will be fine. Since your will be inside then the heat is not an issue.  While inside the CO will be somewhat docile and quiet unless it hears or senses something  out of place.  The growl or bark of a fully grown CO will rattle your windows.  That will thwart most smart crooks.  The stupid ones will and should get eaten.. so to speak. Oh, you will have hair in the house about twice a year - spring and fal.  And don't forget that they can get big, very big.

                  If you decide on a CO or CAO please chat with me before you buy.

                  and by the way - Our female CO pup arrives on Friday from Belgrade.

                  • Beutiful dog Gary where did you get him?

                    • He came from Budapest, Hungary.

                      • Thanks to everyone for your input.  I'm researching the recommended breeds.  

                        Gary that's a good looking dog.

                        Just last night my Giant Schnauzer put a guy over the fence, loud expletives to be heard for a few blocks.  My Giant came up to the porch & suddenly went down.  Her feet were full of thorns but it didn't phase her until after the threat was over.  Pretty pleased with her.  Crazy to have to go to this.  I mean, adding another dog to our family is never a bad thing to me but still...  Somebody's hiney is going to be dental floss for my dog if this keeps up.

                        I'm still trying to really understand the difference in the CO & CAO breeds other than geographic & some have sited the CAO to be more toward dog aggression.  
                        I'm also trying to figure out with the Kangal (& some of the other breeds) many people talking about the real thing versus dogs that are mixed bred.  (Sorry for my ignorance on this.  In Dobes or Shepherds this is a big no-no) so can someone recommend websites I can look at that you feel offer dogs that are bred true to the breed's purpose?  I'd like ot look at what folks here consider to be properly bred Kangals, COs & CAOs.  
                        Thanks again :)

                        • Let me rephrase that.  Back in the day, breeders would refresh their breeding line by mixing in some of the origional breeds back into their lines. I have had dogs from breeders who`ve done that.  Some very fine dogs produced that way.  I lm looking for good repsof the breed to study

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