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Shar Pei as a social dog?


Wondering whats the benefits?

 You will probably hear someone say that having the loose skin will help it to protect itself from bites, allow it to turn on something that is biting it and other things like that. I think, it was just an overexageration of characteristic as what happened with the Neapolitan Mastiff.  Some may think that if some wrinke is good then more wrinkle is better.. not true.  At some point the propensity for promoting any one characteristic of any dog will eventually cause phenotypical change.

Replies (10)
    • Hello MD,

      In not too long I am considering maybe to get a Shar Pei. I am afraid a Broholmer needs a little more space than I am able to offer and the other favorite, the CAO, I am not allowd to own in my country. My choice really depends on the need for exercise. I live in the city in a smaller appartment not far from big green areas. I am not interested in a Border Collie type dog that needs to run outside most of the day. :) I am able though to train, exercise and walk the dog for two-three hours each day.

      The breed profiles online are not of much help. It is very important for me that my future dog can get along with my old dog, a 7-year old Flatcoated Retriever. He is a little dominant towards other male dogs. I am able to take the dog with me at work and it is important that the dog is able to welcome new dogs into the playpen where all the other dogs are - both males and females. How are they with people they have never met before - family, friends, children? I know the breed is reserved with strangers and that is fine. The most important thing is that the dog does not show aggression.

      I am aware of the fact that these things depend a lot on their socialization. But I am curious to know if this is a difficult breed to socialize?

      Are there any MD users with Shar Peis that can tell about their dogs and experiences?


      • Hi Charlot

        The Sharpeis that i know/met arent social with other dogs and not very social with people.

        Mey experience is nt that huge but i have never met a social Sahrpei not with dogs  not with people althhough they are more social with people than dogs.

        I hope you get more reactions from owners abuot this.

        Greetings Des

        • When raised together they can live in pairs, I would strongly recommend purchasing a female and spend a lot of time strengthening their bond as the pup matures.

          Sharpei's are typically stubborn, stand-offish and difficult. With that being said they can also make great companions for smaller living arrangements and Will throw down if pushed.

          • after reading this post I went in and read about the breed profile, never took the time before to read about this breeds history. The original dog sure does look different from the one today. Looks like a apbt with just a slighlty wrinkled face. Wondering whats the benefits? are there any working or fighting sharpeis today? Any modern day outcrosses done to re-create the original?


              Wondering whats the benefits?

               You will probably hear someone say that having the loose skin will help it to protect itself from bites, allow it to turn on something that is biting it and other things like that. I think, it was just an overexageration of characteristic as what happened with the Neapolitan Mastiff.  Some may think that if some wrinke is good then more wrinkle is better.. not true.  At some point the propensity for promoting any one characteristic of any dog will eventually cause phenotypical change.

              • yeah but that first picture, of the "original" type, there are some wrinkles, but not much like you see today.

                • Thanks for your replies!

                  I am in contact with a few breeders already and I am planning to visit one of them soon to talk about the breed and experience their dogs. :)

                  • It has been 9 year now as of the time I am writing this - so, did you get the Shar Pei and if so how did it go.

                  • hey charlotte :) the sharpei is pittifull a dog full of sickness the original shar pei is the bone mouth have a pic the western shar pei is a moneymaker from breeders its not social at all and it cant fight back or what ever u want a dog take one from working line :)

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