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How old is this dog? Do you have any photos or videos? Help us to help you please.
Replies (8)
    • hi i live in austraila i bought a dog ment to be a bull mastiff of the net but when we got her we noticed she has peach coloured nails and only weighs 37 kg she is red and has a black mask her face looks like a bull mastiff her chest is very mussely and she has a rather large sized head for her size dose any one know any crosses like that in austraila also she is very calm and placid no aggression but she will bark at night she wont guard but that's of i thought pit bull have the peach see through nails
      • How old is this dog? Do you have any photos or videos? Help us to help you please.
        • she is 4 i will take some photos today
                • ok no luck with the photos here but i uploded 2 pictures to / other pictures/ 1 im holding her on the grass wearing black and white striped shorts and 1 photo to /members other dogs/ she is sitting on the grass hope you find them
                  • Hi rojo and welcome to MD! :D The description you are giving us of your dog, by the way sounds very nice, I wonder if she has some Dogue de Bordeaux. But the pink nails, throw me off. :? Tom
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