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Cracked Tooth

I've heard most of the caps don't hold. But again which tooth is it, because I think that would also make a difference. I would say personally call the Vet' if a nerve is showing rule of thumb (or so I thought) was yank the tooth. But then it will turn black and die most of the time anyways so he will figure it out. But the red area could just be a raw area, from the break, and/or cleaning. Where exactly was it red? The anibiotics are a safe place to be either way, but call the Vet on Monday. Also the teeth are most likely sore from the cleaning, I've known dogs to skip a meal or two afterwards from the pain, think how you would feel If you haven't cleaned your teeth for four years and had that Horrible Crap done!
Replies (21)
    • My neighbors Rottweiler cracked her tooth. He brought her to the vet and the vet cleaned the area out. My neighbor told me it looked alittle like plaque. He looked at it today and saw a red spot. Then when he tried to touch it or clean it, his dog moved away. Which probably means that red spot is an exposed nerve. The dog is on antibiotics. She also four years old from working lines. Any thoughts? He knows Iam on this forum. And ask me to post for ideas. He thinking if need be he would take her to a specialist. Thanks, Richard :)
      • Depends which tooth it is. Our AB broke one of her canines - vet refused to remove stating it wasn't necessary as she would have been in more pain by removing it...but it wasn't broke down to the root, was just the point that had snapped off..
        • Have the tooth capped. Meaning they will put a metal cap over it. Looks real cool and it never affects the dog.
          • Have the tooth capped. Meaning they will put a metal cap over it. Looks real cool and it never affects the dog. Sounds like a good idea. Probably better than implant? A good dog needs its teeth. Many Thanks! Everyone! Richard
            • I've heard most of the caps don't hold. But again which tooth is it, because I think that would also make a difference. I would say personally call the Vet' if a nerve is showing rule of thumb (or so I thought) was yank the tooth. But then it will turn black and die most of the time anyways so he will figure it out. But the red area could just be a raw area, from the break, and/or cleaning. Where exactly was it red? The anibiotics are a safe place to be either way, but call the Vet on Monday. Also the teeth are most likely sore from the cleaning, I've known dogs to skip a meal or two afterwards from the pain, think how you would feel If you haven't cleaned your teeth for four years and had that Horrible Crap done!
              • My Rottweiler went after a dirt bike and bit the tire breaking her canine about half way she lived many more years without a problem the nerve withdraws a half tooth is better than no tooth. The caps are expensive and if you do bite work or you dog is a big chewer they may break off.
                • Thanks Ragdog,, Thepanther here, We got the Name of a High End Dentist in the Area, Will try to get in to see him tomorrow . She eats her food without problem, drinks water without problem ,although I warm it gently for her just in case. She doesent show signs of a problem Unless you touch the pink spot I saw , on the side of the tooth. I will do my best to update everyone ... My regular vet called it A slab fracture -- It looked like a thin fake fingernail ,, like the Gals would use,, like a shaving,,, initially we didnt see the spot but looking further today I saw it .
                  • i agree with Carlos. caps or inplants can lead to the breaking of other teeth. Id say have it pulled and make sure the owner tells the dogs trainer about the tooth before any bite work.
                    • The dog doesent do any bite work now
                      • Dr Surgeon ,, comes HIGHLY recommended, He says she needs a root canal ,and a tooth, silver or gold colored is the wayy to go not the white colored ones I was told, they are not as strong,
                        • My first presa broke two of his canines (he hated crates). It was also prescribed a root canal, post and crowns for him. WE got the root canal done, but that was it, due to the cost, and he wasn't a working dog. he had enough of the canines left to function adequately. As a dental hygienist, I can also concur to go with the metal crowns. Porcelain crowns have made great strides in the last decade, but even in humans if you have an extremely strong bite, you are going to break them. Typically, they do crowns on police K9s when they break their teeth off in perps ;)
                          • she is to go in today, My vet recommended Dr Surgeon,, as did A K-9 examiner - trainer of 30 years. He said DR Surgeon has done many of their K-9s he said to do the Metal as well thanks
                            • She is home now , The hard part is over just have to fit the crown next week, She is to have NO hard foods No cookies no bones I must soak her kibble, I feed Acana fish and you be surprised how long it takes to soften this stuff I have been soaking it for four and a half hours and it is just now about ready.. Nothing hard so that the work done on the tooth is not disturbed.
                              • Here is a picture of Jazmin, the same day After getting 3 of her K-9's removed. She has now lived an additional 2 yrs after the removal, and unless I opened her mouth...You would Never know she didn't have most of her teeth. She still chews on everything, although tug now just ticked off since I can pull it right out....Makes catch a hell of alot easier-just take it from her!!![br][link={e_FILE}public/1270645373_11706_FT73791_jaz-h20.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1270645373_11706_FT73791_jaz-h20_.jpg">[/link][br]
                                • Great looking dog
                                  • How old ???
                                    • She was 8 in that picture.
                                      • Crown is On . All is OK . Still on wet kibble for 1 more week to make sure bond sets..
                                        • Thats good Jack. I'll catch up with you. Rich
                                          • After 2 weeks My Gal is doing well I have devoloped a newer tooth cleaning regimine, I brush her teeth twice a day . Once in the morning before we leave the house and again mid- day , its actually So much easier than I thought it would be ,I look foward to it , she does too.
                                            • Can raw fed dogs have tooth decay? They said dogs that are raw fed cannot have cavities thus having tooth decay.
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