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Pork Neck Bones

Does anyone have a good recipe for the use of Pork Neck Bones in a raw diet. We have been feeding chicken and beef for a while now and are thinking of introducing some pork to the menu. Please post your idea.

Replies (3)
    • I have not personally used pork or pork neck bones. Variety is great. I use beef and chicken mostly. I also use turkey necks, turkey, duck, and occasionally a rabbit. I don’t know why pork would be a problem. I suggest adding it for a week and that be the only meat source. Making sure you dig is not allergic. If all is fin after the week add it to your rotation.

      • I should have added gradually add pork to the diet. First mix it like 80% to 20% pork. Then increase to 50-50. Later mostly pork to all pork. This is to account for the dog’s sensitive stomach. The numbers used are actual numbers. It just serves as an example. Give more of the regular food using a high ratio of it to a low ratio of the pork. After a few days of this it can be about half. Keep doing this until it’s all pork. Later you can have you chick one day or a few days. Then your beef and then the pork. The dog will be used to those meat sources.

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