Walking Three Caucasians
This is me walking the three Caucasians we had at the time in Virginia. From your left to right is Caesar, Shagi and Cleopatra. Julius stayed home because him and Caesar were constantly fighting.
The more I see this breed and learn about them the more I want one!!
- · gsicard
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Did you get one yet? I would have heard about it
- · ellielo
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Wow, those are cute! What a fur! What kind of tick and flea protection do you use for them? I can imagine that it should be something decent. I read a lot of positive things about Frontline on Pet express. Any experience with this on? Appreciate the feedback
- · Admin
In reply to ellielo
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Hi there and thanks for asking. At the time they were getting a garlic supplement and it kept the parasites away.
Prior to that we used Frontline and it worked very well.
K9 Advantange II is good. I use it over Frontline. It kill and repels biting flies along with ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes.