How Coat Color Change from Puppy to Adult
Sometimes I get asked about the color of a Caucasian puppy and what they may look like when they grow up. Generally speaking, the color does change some and here is an example with Nayan.
- · Horst
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Fell Farben nach meiner Erfahrungen
verändern sich bei Rüden bis 4Jahren Hündin etwa 2-3Jahren
aber oft zu der Farbe die sie zur Geburt hatten Fell Farben!!!!!!!!
Colour: Any solid colour, piebald or spotted colour.
Except for solid black; diluted black or black in any combination or genetic blue or liver brown colour.
- · Admin
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@Horst thank you for that. My intent was to show how the difference appears between puppy coat and adult coat.
That's interesting. I know you don't suppose to pick a pup based upon color. But often we do. This is a nice dog. I'm loving the breed more and more.
- · Knight99
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Great post! My puppy's coat color looks similar to your CO, you know grey is my favorite color in CO but my second favorite color is Nayan's colors. So I hope my puppy's coat will look like his coat when he grows up.
- · Admin
In reply to Knight99
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Knight99 Thank you for your comment. can you share some puppy pics?