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Puppy Contracts - Good or Bad?

When purchasing a puppy from a reputable breeder, the contracts they require you to sign serve several important purposes. Let’s delve into the details:

Legal Protection:

Most major life acquisitions involve legal contracts, and bringing home a purebred dog is no exception. These contracts are designed to protect both you and the breeder.

While I can’t provide legal advice, it’s essential to understand that violating a properly executed contract could potentially lead to legal consequences.

Philosophy and Expectations:

Breeder contracts are not just about legalities; they also serve as an opportunity for breeders to share their philosophy, advice, and expectations.

By signing a contract, you acknowledge the significant responsibility of caring for the puppy and commit to the terms outlined by the breeder.

Common Elements in Breeder Contracts:

Pet Quality vs. Show Quality:

Contracts often distinguish between “pet quality” and “show quality” puppies.

Pet-quality puppies are unlikely to become show dogs and are typically sold on limited registration.

Show prospects may have more detailed contracts, specifying health screenings, show requirements, and breeding decisions.

Basics Included:

The contract usually includes:

AKC registration number of the puppy.

Sire and dam’s names and registration numbers.

Purchase price.

Health and Care:

Contracts may cover health guarantees, vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and microchip information.

They outline responsibilities related to the dog’s well-being.

Show Expectations:

For show prospects, contracts may detail when the breeder wants to see the puppy and who will handle its show career.

If the dog is eventually bred, the contract specifies health screenings and other breeding-related details.

Remember that each breeder’s contract is unique, reflecting their individual practices and values. Signing one is not just a formality; it’s a commitment to providing the best care for your new furry family member.

Replies (8)
    • I think contracts are useful. But I'm not entirely sure they are enforceable. They can be used to qualify and screen potential puppy owners.

      • I think the main problem with the contracts is that there is no real way to ensure that all the terms of the contract are met. Specifically, some contracts will have stipulations about breeding, spay, neuter, feeding, right of return, training and other stipulations that for the most part the breeder will never know if the stipulations are met. lets say a breeder on the East coast of the USA ships a pup under contract to a buyer in Oregon (West coast of USA) how will the breeder know what is being done contractually? virtually impossible unless the buyer decides to share that info.

        This is a tricky one.

        • Unfortunately this is the truth. It doesn’t have to be across the country. It happens in your backyard. I personally know of a dog that was sold as a pet. I know the breeder. We aren’t friends but she is ethical. A guy called me wanting to breed to my male. I asked some questions. I knew who he said was the breeder. He said that she’s never been bred. I met him. I knew the dog had been bred. I saw the dog was pet quality. I called the breeder up. She told me he wasn’t supposed to breed the dog. He hung papers on it. She said for me to take that dog from him. Give it back to her. I know she give an honest critique of her dogs. But it wasn’t my place to get that involved. I never heard from him again. I don’t know if she ever recovered the dog.

        • Contracts for purchasing a puppy can be very beneficial for both the buyer and the breeder. Here are some key points to consider:

          Benefits of Puppy Purchase Contracts

          1. Protection for All Parties:

          ○  Buyer: Ensures that the puppy is healthy, has received necessary vaccinations, and comes from a reputable breeder. It also provides a clear understanding of the puppy's pedigree and any guarantees regarding health and temperament-3.

          ○  Breeder: Protects the breeder's reputation by ensuring that the buyer understands their responsibilities, such as proper care and spaying/neutering requirements-1.

          2. Clarity and Expectations:

          ○  Contracts outline the responsibilities of both the buyer and the breeder, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings. This includes care requirements, return policies, and what to do if the buyer can no longer keep the puppy-2.

          3. Health and Welfare:

          ○  Many contracts include clauses that ensure the puppy's health and welfare, such as mandatory veterinary check-ups and proper living conditions-2. This helps ensure that the puppy is well cared for throughout its life.

          4. Legal Recourse:

          ○  In case of disputes, a contract provides a legal framework that can be referred to, offering protection and recourse for both parties-4.


          5. Complexity:

          ○  Some contracts can be very detailed and may seem burdensome. It's important for both parties to read and understand the contract fully before signing-1.

          6. Enforceability:

          ○  While contracts are generally enforceable, the cost and effort of litigation can be prohibitive. Therefore, it's crucial to have a clear and fair contract to avoid potential conflicts-1.


          Overall, puppy purchase contracts are a good thing as they help ensure the well-being of the puppy and provide clear guidelines and protections for both the buyer and the breeder. They foster responsible pet ownership and help maintain the integrity of breeding practices.

          If you're considering purchasing a puppy, make sure to review the contract thoroughly and discuss any concerns with the breeder. This will help ensure a positive experience for you and your new furry friend. 🐶


          1. What Is a Pet Purchase Contract? - UpCounsel

          2. What’s in Your Puppy Contract? – American Kennel Club

          3. Preparing a Contract for Puppy Buyers – American Kennel Club

          4. Puppy Contracts - What Are They and Why Do Breeders Use Them

          5. The Importance of Puppy Contracts - Pawrade.com

          • I think that contracts are both good and bad. It should be fair for both parties. It should let you know the expectations. But some contracts will make you have to jump through too many hoops. No contracts can guarantee the health and temperament of the pup. Example:

            Temperament and hip dysplasia can be influenced by the pups environment. It considered genetic but the environment plays its part. Is the dog too much running and jumping before it is mature enough. It bones are mature enough to handle the physical stress. The temperament is influenced by training, how the dog is raised. Improper handling of a dog will influence its temperament. Is the dog being properly socialized.

            While contracts can be enforceable they can be challenging to enforce. I've had people try to give me a dog when I know that the breeder should have been given the dog back. I know dogs that have been bred but the dogs were sold with no breeding rights and under a spayed contract.

            • Fully agree with your thought @eliteguardianpresa @Elite Guardian Presa there must be trust and openness with the sale and keeping of dogs. Unfortunately there are many breeders who just think of the $$ and not the welfare of the pups. The contracts may give an ethical person pause but are not effective for those who don't care.

            • I never buy a puppy without a contract. Dogs make life so much better, but they also come with their share of challenges. Fleas, for example. My furry buddy has brought them home, and now I’m looking for the quickest and safest solution. I found out about Nexgard Without Vet Prescription, which looks promising, but I’m wondering if anyone here has used it before. Are there any other treatments I should consider? It’s so important to me to keep my dog healthy and comfortable, and I’d appreciate any advice you can share. Flea-free days can’t come soon enough

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