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Hot in Texas but the evenings cool down and she like laying in the wet grass.

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Hello Molosser Fans. Just a reminder that you can use hashtags "#" to browse or create a channel. For instance  will create or add to the molosserdogs channel. See all Channels: New Channels (molosserdogs.com)

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In the article linked below you will find a detailed expose on the rise from pests to protected species in Australia. For many years the Dingoes instilled fear and destroyed domestic tranquility and now they are a protected species. Fantastic. A brief summary of the article shows that:

Dingo DNA Discovery: A new study shows that dingoes are a distinct species, more closely related to ancient lineages than modern dogs.

Two Populations: There are two distinct dingo populations in Australia, north-west and south-east, with no evidence of post-colonial hybridization.

Ecological Role: Dingoes play a crucial role in Australian ecosystems as top predators, helping control populations of invasive species.

Cultural Significance: Dingoes hold a special place in First Nations communities, symbolizing resilience and protection.

Read the story by Kamrin Baker

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"These are public reports of algal blooms. Reports do not represent a comprehensive list of all HABs. Therefore, this map does not show the full potential of waterbodies experiencing blooms, nor can we accurately know the health risk at any given time. Advisories (caution or closure) are issued by experts, but it is impossible to keep the status of each report perfectly up to date. Toxin production may occur or dissipate at any moment. Please use your best judgment to determine if a bloom is in the area, and if in doubt, stay out."

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The Rhodesian Ridgeback: A Legacy of Lion Hunting and Companionship

In the annals of cynology, few breeds boast as storied a past as the Rhodesian Ridgeback. This breed’s history is a tapestry woven from the threads of African heritage and colonial influence, creating a dog as unique in appearance as it is in capability.

Origins in the African Wilds The Ridgeback’s lineage begins in the southern reaches of Africa, where the Khoikhoi people bred dogs that possessed a distinctive ridge of hair along their backs. These dogs were not only resilient but also had an innate ability to fend off the continent’s most formidable predators, including lions1.

Colonial Crossbreeding With the arrival of Dutch settlers in the 17th century, European breeds such as Greyhounds, Mastiffs, and Bloodhounds were introduced to the African landscape. These dogs were crossbred with the indigenous Khoikhoi’s ridged hunting dogs, leading to the emergence of the Boer hunting dogs, the direct ancestors of the modern Rhodesian Ridgeback2.

A Breed Takes Shape The definitive moment in the breed’s history occurred in 1922 when F.R. Barnes drafted the original breed standard in Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). This standard was later approved by the South African Kennel Union in 1927, cementing the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s status as a recognized breed2.

The Lion Hunter The Rhodesian Ridgeback was bred for a specific and daunting task: hunting lions. These dogs were not expected to kill the lions but to track them and hold them at bay until the hunters could arrive. Their agility, strength, and courage made them invaluable companions on such perilous hunts1.

Modern Roles Today, while the Rhodesian Ridgeback no longer pursues lions across the savannah, it has found a new role as a versatile and loyal companion. Its protective nature makes it an excellent guardian for homes, and its intelligence and trainability allow it to excel in various canine sports and activities.

Conclusion The Rhodesian stands as a living testament to the rich history of dog breeding and the human-canine bond. From the wilds of Africa to the hearts of dog lovers around the world, the Ridgeback continues to be admired for its noble past and cherished for its steadfast presence.

This article aims to honor the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s remarkable journey from a lion-hunting assistant to a beloved family member, reflecting the breed’s enduring spirit and adaptability.

Many thanks to Copilot!

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Here’s a summary of the key points from the home page.

Ethical Breeding: Discusses the importance of prioritizing animal welfare, avoiding inbreeding, and promoting responsible ownership to ensure the health and well-being of dogs12.

Thor’s Tale: A fictional story about Thor, a mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and Black Russian Terrier, who protects a lost child named Lily from wolves in the forest3.

Neutering/Spaying Guidelines: Mentions a new study that provides updated guidelines for neutering or spaying dogs to prevent increased risks of cancer or joint issues4.

Dog Discussions: The page contains various posts and discussions on topics like outdoor working dogs, guardian dogs at home, and the politics of dog shows.

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Breeding and genetic modification in dogs raise important ethical questions. Let’s look into some of these considerations:

Responsible Breeding Prioritizes Welfare:

  • Ethical breeders prioritize the health and well-being of animals over aesthetics. Breeding for extreme physical traits (like flat-faced dogs) can lead to serious health issues.
  • Responsible breeders carefully select traits that enhance an animal’s quality of life.
  • Avoiding inbreeding is crucial to maintain genetic diversity and prevent genetic disorders.

Avoiding Inbreeding:

  • Inbreeding, mating closely related animals, can lead to genetic problems and reduced breed diversity.
  • Ethical breeders work to maintain genetic diversity for long-term health and vitality.

Responsible Ownership:

  • Ethical breeding extends to responsible ownership.
  • Breeders should screen potential buyers thoroughly to ensure proper care and prevent neglect.

Adherence to Legal Regulations:

  • Responsible breeders comply with legal regulations related to breeding, including licensing, vaccinations, and record-keeping.

Impact on Animal Welfare:

  • Improved Health and Longevity: Ethical breeding practices result in healthier animals with fewer genetic health issues.
  • Reduced Strain on Shelters: Ethical breeders reduce overpopulation, minimizing euthanasia due to lack of homes.
  • Promotion of Responsible Ownership: High standards inspire proper care and attention to pets.

In summary, ethical breeders play a pivotal role in animal welfare by prioritizing health, avoiding inbreeding, and promoting responsible ownership. As consumers, we can support these practices by choosing breeders who adhere to ethical standards and raising awareness of responsible pet ownership.

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Once upon a time, in the dense forests of the north, where the pines stood tall and the wolves roamed free, there was a large and noble dog named Thor. Thor was a mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and Black Russian Terrier, with a coat as black as the midnight sky and eyes that shone like the stars. He was known throughout the land for his bravery and loyalty.

One chilly evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple, a young child named Lily wandered away from her camping site, lured by the beauty of a butterfly. Unbeknownst to her, she ventured deeper into the woods, far from the safety of her family’s watchful eyes.

As the butterfly fluttered away, Lily found herself lost amidst the towering trees. Her heart pounded with fear as the darkness crept in, and the eerie howls of wolves echoed through the forest.

Thor, who was out on his evening patrol, heard the faint sobs of the child. His instincts kicked in, and he rushed through the underbrush, his large paws thudding against the soft earth. He found Lily huddled beneath a tree, her small frame shaking with each sob.

With a gentle nudge of his nose, Thor comforted the child, promising her safety with his presence. He stood guard, his muscular body a protective barrier between Lily and the unknown dangers of the forest.

As the moon rose high, casting a silvery glow over the land, a pack of wolves emerged from the shadows, drawn by the scent of the young human. Their eyes glinted with hunger, and their growls rumbled like thunder.

Thor positioned himself in front of Lily, his fur bristling and his teeth bared. A deep, resounding bark escaped his throat, a warning to the wolves that this child was under his protection. The wolves, sensing the strength and determination of the large dog, hesitated. They circled around, probing for weakness, but Thor stood unyielding.

The standoff lasted for what seemed like an eternity, until the alpha wolf, recognizing the courage of the dog, gave a subtle nod. With that, the pack retreated into the darkness, leaving Thor and Lily unharmed.

As dawn broke, Thor guided Lily back to her campsite, where her frantic parents embraced her with tears of joy. They thanked Thor, who merely wagged his tail, content in the knowledge that he had fulfilled his duty.

From that day on, Thor became a legend in the forest, a guardian angel in the form of a large, brave dog who protected a lost child from the wolves. And Lily, forever grateful, would often visit the edge of the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of her heroic friend, who had saved her on that fateful night.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.

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A new study updates guidelines for when you should neuter or spay your dog to prevent an increased risk of cancer or joint issues. Check it out

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